Hey Benwardo … I went to Sudbury once, to meet a guy at the University who does weird things with your brain. Micheal Persinger. He’s always doing stuff on telly with a motorcycle helmet that zaps your brain with magnets.
Sudbury … nice place I remember. Ahem. Maybe I didn’t see the best bits!
Also check out MarkBass amps.
For lightweight, can’t beat the little CMD121P combo, 280W through single 12″ speaker, light as a feather, transparent sound.
Add a 1×12 extension cab (also light as a feather) and you’ve a 500W beast, and you can carry one in each hand without breaking into a sweat.
Yep, nice match for guts. I got E and A with plain gut. The slap is a bit harsher, but hardly.
The pizz tone is spot on match for gut.
Well hello gentlemen.
Great, another place to waste time instead of living, or actually playing bass.
Think I’ll go and change my strings.
Good articles though, keep em coming!