I’d just ordered it yesterday when I found your post; I’m excited for the lenghthy booklet also!
Dubouchet’s dvd is very good; as is the classic Kevin Smith/Mark Rubin dvd. I don’t know any good books out yet specifically for slap style. You say you know music…that’s a good start…keep learning theory. It will certainly help. What has helped me most is 1)listen, listen, listen, listen…then transcribe and 2)get a teacher. I might be able to learn on your own, but expect it to take significantly longer.
Great! Keep them coming, Nic!
Thanks for the update…I’m looking forward to it.
Whhat’s the word on dvd #2? Are you still planning a more music-focused dvd? Any progress?
Today’s blues slapper tip…check out Willie Dixon with John Brim’s Chess recordings, especially “You Got Me”. Perfect Chicago-style shuffle.
Don’t we all wish we could find free Kays layin’ around. What strings have you chosen?
For anyone interested, the dvd is very good. Excellent explanations from you, Nicolas…you could be a good school teacher.
Thank you, Djordje…for setting up this site. I know forum contributions have been a bit slow, but I really hope this sticks around. I think this site offers quite a bit of variety (I am a particularly bad forum participant most of the time-too busy practicing)…without focusing on one narrow style of music. Great for those who dig old jazz, gyspy, blues & rockabilly. Good luck & thanks again.
Good call on this one, Biz. I’d love to see you post of of your Knowling transcriptions. My first transcriptions of 2010 were Crawford doing “Mean Red Spider” with Muddy & Dixon playing on Robert Nighthawk’s “Jackson Town Girl”.
For what it’s worth…I’ve had no problem with speed loading any of these pages.
Thanks. I’ll look to order, then, around July 15.
Looks nice. Does the vesrion being sold at AOSB have the English subtitles yet?