Howdy from Norway

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  • #314
    Victor Nystad

    Hi everyone, I’m Victor.

    I’ve played electric bass on and off for about 20 years, switched to upright about 6 months ago and ain’t looking back B)

    I’ve got a Chinese upright with a Revolution Solo II pick up system, and Silver Slaps strings. I love slap bass in every form, but I’m mainly into psychobilly.

    I work as a front-end developer (web stuff), happily married, got two kids and four cats.

    Pleased to meet you all 😉

    Mattias Isaksen

    Hello to you too.

    I myself live in Sweden but my father is norwegian so I have spent almost every summer in norway since I was born until I turned 20 or something. Now I’m lucky if I get to go there once every second year or so. Beautiful country with beautiful women and great musicscene.


    Victor Nystad

    Hey, that’s great :cheer: Where in Norway is your Dad from?

    I haven’t really been to Sweden, except when travelling through by train to get to the Roskilde Festival in Denmark ages ago. But I’m planning on going there (in a couple of years time) once I get the money to buy myself a Slap King 😆

    The music scene in Norway is OK I guess, but there isn’t any real psychobilly around as far as I know. Not much slap bass going on either. What’s it like in Sweden?

    Mattias Isaksen

    Sweden has a pretty big psycho- rockabilly scene. Lots of underground bands. Too bad I live in the northern parts of Sweden where noone has ever seen an upright bass. I was however refering to your metalscene over there which is, in my opinion, one of the best in the world.

    My dad is from a small village outside of Tromsö. I do have some relatives down in Drammeln too but I havn’t been down there for at least 20 years.

    Sweden is pretty much like Norway, just a little less mountains 🙂 And everything is cheaper.


    mike sirman

    Welcome to the forum man, always good to get more psychos 😛

    Victor Nystad

    @inferno Ah, the Norwegian metal scene! With you now, and totally agree B)
    Tromsø is beatiful. I’ve been there once, a summer many years ago. Very special feeling to watch the sun barely touch the horizon at night and then rise again, like the longest day ever. But I guess it’s probably like that where you’re from too?

    Thanks dude :woohoo:

    Mattias Isaksen

    Yeah pretty much. I just found out that we are going to Norway in a week or two to visit my grandmother for her birthday. Can’t wait to get there and see the nature again. I’m gonna visit Tromsö for sure and buy some new records and see what the musicstores there have to offer.


    Dan Enriquez

    Welcome Slug!

    Victor Nystad

    Thanks mate B)
    I have to join the choir and praise your YouTube vids, especially the one about the drag triplet.
    Great perspective and very clear explanation.
    Thanks a lot for sharing 🙂

    Geoff Firebaugh

    [b]Slugtrail wrote:[/b]
    [quote]Thanks mate B)
    I have to join the choir and praise your YouTube vids, especially the one about the drag triplet.
    Great perspective and very clear explanation.
    Thanks a lot for sharing :)[/quote]

    Good Grief, Don’t inflate dan’s ego anymore than it already is!

    Welcome. I Love me some Norway! been to Bergen, Oslo, lillestrom, Lillehammer and Vinstra, amongst others! love it.


    Thomas LORIOUX

    [b]Slugtrail wrote:[/b]
    [quote]Hey, that’s great :cheer: Where in Norway is your Dad from?

    I haven’t really been to Sweden, except when travelling through by train to get to the Roskilde Festival in Denmark ages ago. But I’m planning on going there (in a couple of years time) once I get the money to buy myself a Slap King 😆

    The music scene in Norway is OK I guess, but there isn’t any real psychobilly around as far as I know. Not much slap bass going on either. What’s it like in Sweden?[/quote]

    i know of only 1 Norwegian psycho band from the 90’s called Rejects.
    great band, they released a single and an 8 track mini-lp on a local label.

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