How low can you go? Anthology of the string bass.

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  • #1044
    Kurt Ciesla

    How low can you go? Anthology of the String Bass (1925-1941)

    Just wanted to let you guys know about this. If your interested in the history of slap bass, jazz bass, dixieland, new orleans bass, swing, old time country, etc, this is a really great resource. It’s a 3 disc boxed cd set, it has some of the earliest recordings of the double bass, I learned a lot! Plus it has one of the best bass solos ever recorded, Cab calloways Pluckin’ the bass, featuring Milt Hinton!

    PS. I’m in no way affiliated with them.


    I’d just ordered it yesterday when I found your post; I’m excited for the lenghthy booklet also!

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