Hello From North Carolina

About Forums Main Forum Welcome to the Art of Slap Bass! Hello From North Carolina

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    Hello from the confederate state of North Carolina… But originally from New York. I started playing about a year ago, but after about 3 months, I had to put the bass down due to back surgery. About a month ago I picked it back up, dusted it off, and have been full bore ever since. Needless to say I had to re-learn almost everything that I picked up last year, but I’m loving every minute of it! The contents of my current setup is in my signature.

    I found this website/forum through word of mouth, and I really like what I see. I can only hope that it will grow in with both more informative content, and quality members.

    Carlos Cordero

    Hey Chris,

    Welcome to the board, check out the vids by both Ryan Gould & Nicolas Dubouchet, it will give you a whole new appreciation for the instrument!


    Hey Carlos,

    Yeah, I saw them…

    mike sirman


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