Hello from Arkansas

About Forums Main Forum Welcome to the Art of Slap Bass! Hello from Arkansas

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  • #1206
    Ben Cardin

    Hello. I’m Ben. A banjo player from Arkansas. Been playing upright off and on for about ten years. Recently became obsessed with slap. To the point I can’t hardly play anymore due to the blisters. So I turn it around and play left handed just to keep going. I’m interested in any type of help I can get. I greatly appreciate any and all advice and help. There aren’t any bass players in Arkansas to speak of, and definitely no slap at all. I can do double, triple, drag triplet and just started on quad. Spending my time with metronome gaining speed. In bad need of licks and runs to practice with. Anyone willing to help, please message me. Been wading through vids on YouTube but it eats up a lot of data. Plus they look at me funny standing in McDonalds parking lot with the bass using their Wifi. Thanks so much, Ben.

    Steve Spano

    Welcome. We seem to be a few of only a few here on the boards. Maybe others will join in the discussion.

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