Hello from Alberta

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  • #1047
    Kurt Ciesla

    Hey Everyone, my name is Kurt and I’m from alberta Canada. I play for Corb Lund and the Hurtin’ Albertans, an alt country band from alberta. We play mostly originals with a few choice covers. We have some diverse influences though, some stuff is more folky, bluesy, rockabilly, latin, rock, etc. I slap about 30-40% of the time and play arco on some tunes as well. If you’re interested check out corblund.com. I grew up playing punk, rock, and funk on Electric bass, studied jazz in college, studied with a romanian classical bass teacher, attended some masters classes with Dave Holland and played extensive freelance gigs doing jazz, blues, R&B, rock, funk, coutry, swing etc. I also have a jazz/funk side project called Deerfoot. go to myspace.com/kurtciesla for more info. I do a lot of trad slapping with Corb Lund but I’m also interested in advancing the technique into the 21st century. I like to slap on jazz and funk tunes and play over odd time signatures and grooves.

    It’s great to see you all here, it seemed like slap bass had become archaic, especially in the straight ahead jazz scene, so it’s great to see it making a comeback.


    Ben Mulligan

    hey kurt!

    great to see more canadian slappers on this site….corb lund is pretty much the only cool country band i know of that’s been on TV. but i don’t really listen to country that much anyways..thanks for the advice on my wrist…got any good vids on youtube?

    what kind of bass and strings do you use?

    Kurt Ciesla

    @#$%! just wrote a long post for the second time only to have it say I must be logged in to post even though I can’t get to the posting box without being logged in.

    Anyway, Wilfer carved bass, 50 years old, stays at home now, too risky to tour with it anymore. I now tour with a Chadwick folding bass. Sounds great, Charlie did an awesome setup on it, sounds real even, tone is great. Not as loud as the carved but no plywood bass I’ve tried is. Great tone though. 99.9% of the gigs I do are moderate to loud anyway. And because there is a door in the back for the neck to fold in, I taped some foam to the inside of the f holes and there’s almost no feedback now!

    I’ve used lots of different strings. right now I am using Evah Pirrazzi solo gauge. They are a really good hybrid string. Not too bright or dark, not too much or little sustain, great for arco and easy to play.

    Here are some videos.


    bass solo at 5:13

    Ben Mulligan

    awesome man!

    long gone to saskatchewan is a cool song

    i saw you guys play on tv a couple of years ago playing in some kind of small bar looking set

    been trying to find videos on youtube from that performance…..the Q performance reminded me of it a lot.

    i really liked watching it because one of my country friends was only able to get me listening to corb lund out of all the bands he tried getting me to like one summer so it was col to see it on TV….also i just started playing upright bass at the time so i was watching you play the whole time…hopefully i’ll get to see you guys in ontario some time!

    Art Homer

    Like hearing you on XM Radio. Just taking up bass after many years on guitar, dobro, lap steel. You’re an inspiration on the “big butch bass bull fiddle.” THanks for bringing a swing feel to outlaw country.


    Nice music, wellcome to the forum!!!

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