Greetings From Austin

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  • #1175
    Ed Friedland

    Hi everyone, or howdy y’all to use the local vernacular. I’m new to the art of slap, both the style and the website. I’ve been teaching myself the style for the last 6 years, since I moved to Austin. It’s been kicking my ass to say the least, but I’m finally getting to a point where I feel functional most of the time. Still working out the kinks, but it’s getting there. I’m having a blast (cult) with it, and it’s been a rewarding and humbling experience to suck at something so bad, and to finally grind my out of suckdom to something that almost resembles music!

    Anyway, a big turning point for me was when I got my Blast Cult One4Five. I not saying that good equipment is a substitute for practicing, but when you’ve been practicing on a bad setup and you finally get it working right.. man, what a difference! And live? This bass can’t be beat. It’s so consistent and sounds so natural… well, the game has changed for me!

    My slap bass musical interests are more in the traditional country, swing, rockabilly and bluegrass areas… I love the energy of Psycho, but I don’t think I’m headed in that direction. Many of you may know me through my writing for Bass Player mag, or my instructional books and videos, or my [url=]Bass Whisperer TV[/url] channel on Youtube. In fact, if you haven’t seen it yet, check out my new video demo of my Blast Cult bass and Channel Blaster pickup system. I’m sure you all have heard about how great the bass is, but man… check out the pickup system! I think it’s a brilliant setup, and it sounds awesome.

    Anyway, just wanted to say hi, I look forward to mining this place for info about slap bass. I’m very into learning as much as I can about this kind of playing, thanks for this great resource!

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