drummer attempting the double bass and loving it

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    ryan prager

    Hello all,
    i am a drummer by default but i needed something that i could play in an apartment. i found the double bass; i bought a STAGG electric upright 3/4 size. i have had some lessons from Glenn Moore of “Oregon”. i really am only wanting to focus on slap style while i also learn to play the upright. i just got some synthetic gut strings and had my bass set up for slap style. i am finding out that the electric upright that i purchased has some very good practical qualities but the lack of size makes it hard to play at times.

    well thank you all for making a site like this. it is so hard to find good info about slap bass. by the way if your are looking for a decent step by step process on how to begin simple slap techniques, check out ehow.com search ken Steiner. he shows you very simple advice with how to get started on the techniques. i found it informative. :woohoo: besides this site it is the only real good info out there.

    thank you all for your time
    “live, learn and grow…”

    mike sirman

    Most people from what I have read dont speak too highly of those videos, especially the really wide arm motions which are apparently bad for your rotator cuff or something.

    The ones I have seen recommended a lot are the scott hinds videos, not sure what the address for his site is anymore but if you google should be easy to find.

    I found the ken steiner ones helpfull at first until I found the scott hinds ones. also memphisevil has an awesome video showing drag triplets.

    mike sirman

    I watched a bunch of ken steiners live videos of him playing and sounds really good, not bashing the guy or anything. Just from the people I have heard talking about it most dont like all the arm movements in his instructional videos.

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