best speaker size

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  • #1112
    Corey Sheehan

    I’m a rookie to to the slap technique. right now all i have a single 12″ speaker amp and i’m getting a lot of unwanted resonance from my bottom strings wile slapping. I’m sure much of this is due to inaccuracy on my slap hand but i have a few questions as to how to fix this.
    First- what are some suggested settings for my Low-Mid-High on the amp for a good clean slap sound? I have spent a lot of time tweaking the settings but it seems that as soon as i get one aspect sounding decent it throws off another aspect. Its frustrating.
    Second-as far as amps go, what is ideal for slap playing? I mean in regards to size and number of speakers in an amp.


    Hello Corey,

    I use a 4×10″ cabinet, with a 300 W. head 4 Ohm. sounds pèrfect, but I’m lookin for something more light….. the 12″… I was pretty sure for the Markbass traveller 12″, but after a recent talkin’ with few bass players, doesn’t sound as powerfull as I need :unsure: ….This week I’m going to play with one 15″ combo from TC electronic…… I’ve told is powerfull and no low”high frequency is geting lost….so as soon as I can I will let you know….
    at the end depends your pickup, your style, money to spend on the amp, the size you want to have and the weight you want to carry….

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